Installation of small wind turbines
Wind farms can be built where wind speeds are high enough and turbulence is low. When selecting a site for wind turbines, it is necessary to take these things into account:
- the terrain,
- obstacles to the wind,
- the roughness of the terrain,
- and to estimate an average annual wind speed of ≥ 3.5 m/s at 10 m.
In addition, wind farms may only be installed in areas where the activity is not prohibited.
A single wind turbine may be constructed on a plot of land as a simple structure. It must be erected at a distance of at least its height (including the length of the wings) from the boundary of the plot. This distance may be reduced with the written consent of the owner/user of the adjacent plot. Wind turbines with structures up to 2,2 m height shall not be considered as complex structures and shall not be subject to the requirements for structures as stated in the Building Act. Wind turbines over 10m high (including wing length) or with 2 or more generators shall be subject to an environmental impact assessment.
Installation of a wind generator
The height of the wind generator tower and the location of the installation are the main factors in determining the overall performance of the system. The smooth flow of wind is often interrupted by a number of obstacles causing wind shear and turbulence. Wind shear refers to the interference between a fast moving upper air flow and a slow moving air flow close to the ground. This results in a decrease in the average wind speed as it approaches the surface. Turbulence is caused by wind penetrating obstacles such as trees and buildings.
Both wind shear and turbulence decrease with altitude and their effects can be reduced by installing the wind generator at a high enough height. The recommended height-distance ratios are shown in Figure 1. Wind speed decreases and turbulence increases where there are obstacles. Obstructions downwind can be as detrimental to the smooth operation of the wind generator as upwind obstructions, so it is essential that the wind generator is installed in a location that is as far away as possible from disturbed wind flow.
Installation of wind farms smaller than 30 kW
The following simplified requirements apply to wind farms below 30 kW installed capacity:
- Wind turbines shall be located on your land in such a way that the shortest distance to the boundary of the plot is greater than the length, width or height of the installation, whichever is the greatest of these three dimensions. These installations shall be installed in accordance with the installation and operating rules of the manufacturer of the installations concerned. They are exempt from land use compliance requirements, the environmental impact assessment procedure, the need for a construction permit and the need for a public health impact assessment. The noise level of the wind farm on adjacent residential plots shall comply with the noise limit values set by the Minister of Health;
- The installations may be relocated in accordance with the procedure laid down by law. In this case, documentation about the monitoring of changes in the efficiency and environmental performance of the installations at their previous location must be prepared;
- Wind farms with an installed capacity of up to 30 kW and not exceeding the noise level laid down in the legislation, erected on buildings or integrated into buildings, do not require a building permit.
The installation of wind power plants is not allowed:
- in cultural, nature and complex reserves, state parks and biosphere reserves;
- in urbanized or built-up areas undergoing a process of urbanization in territories of residential, gardening communities, services, social infrastructure, specialized complexes; and in undeveloped areas of common space, green areas, squares, waterworks (1st lane), mineral resources;
- non-urbanized forests, waters, specialized farms, agricultural areas for recreational use;
- in territories, where design and construction of wind power plants is prohibited in accordance with the Order of the Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces No V-217 of 15th February, 2016.
Excerpt from Article 49. | Law on Renewable Energy of the Republic of Lithuania
The following simplified requirements are applied to wind farms with an installed capacity of less than 30 kW and a height not exceeding 25 m (measured to the highest point of the structure, including the height of the blades):
- wind farms must be located on the land in such a way that the shortest distance to the boundary of the land is greater than the length, width or height of the installation, whichever is the greatest of these three dimensions. They are exempt from land use compliance requirements, screening procedures for environmental impact assessment and/or environmental impact assessment of the planned economic activity, the need for a building permit and a public health impact assessment, provided that it does not conflict with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Law, the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of Planned Economic Activities, the Law on Spatial Planning, the Law on Construction, the Law on Special Conditions for Land Use and other legal acts. Physical pollution from the wind farm on adjacent land shall comply with the legal limits.